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In MTMIngeniería we design, construct and repair machinery for the mining, agricultural, forestry, port and railways. Our clients are located in Chile and in the foreign. On our product page you will find these products and many more. Please review Our products and call us. We will be happy to help you Find a solution to your problem

Special vehicles for the laying, transport and collection of electric cables for large cable shovels in surface mining, able of operating with energized and non-energized cable.   Hydraulic, motorized, automatic equipment for the laying, transport and collection of electric cables of large cable shovels, compatible with tractors, forklifts, dozers, etc. able to operate with energized and non-energized cable.   Drum reels for the laying, transport and collection of electric cables of large mining cable shovels   Special hydraulic hammers to punch and remove large bolts in ore grinding mills when changing or repairing the inner lining.   Automatic hydraulic machines to carry heavy steel linings inside large ore grinding mills, when repairs are made.    Automatic equipment for punching, unclogging and removing slag from furnace nozzles for melting and conversion of mineral concentrates in Pierce Smith furnaces and the like.   Hydraulic machines and big special jacks to extract and place the turning shaft in large P & H, Bucyrus and other similar mining shovels.   Railroad cars for the transfer of aggressive liquids.


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) Japanese
MTMのIngenieríaで私達は設計し、組み立て、そして修理します 鉱業のための機械、農業、林業、港 そして鉄道。 私達の顧客はチリにそしてあります 外国人。 私たちの製品ページには次のものがあります 製品と、より多くの。 当社の製品を確認してください お電話ください。 私達は解決を見つけるのを助けて幸せです あなたの問題に。


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) Swedish
I MTM Ingeniería designar, konstruerar och reparerar vi maskiner för gruvdrift, jordbruk, skogsbruk, hamn och järnvägar. Våra kunder finns i Chile och i utlandet. På vår produktsida du hittar dessa produkter och många fler. Se Våra produkter och ring oss. Vi hjälper dig gärna att hitta en lösning på din problem.


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) Ukainian
В MTM Ingeniería ми проектуємо, будуємо і ремонтуємо обладнання для гірничодобувної, сільськогосподарської, лісової, портової та залізної доріг. Наші клієнти розташовані в Чилі і в іноземному. На сторінці товару Ви знайдете ці продукти і багато іншого. Будь ласка, перегляньте наші продукти та зателефонуйте нам. Ми будемо раді допомогти вам знайти рішення вашої проблеми.


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) Russian
В MTM Ingeniería мы проектируем, строим и ремонтируем оборудование для горнодобывающей, сельскохозяйственной, лесной, портовой и железной дорог. Наши клиенты расположены в Чили и в иностранном. На странице товара вы найдете эти продукты и многое другое. Пожалуйста, просмотрите наши продукты и позвоните нам. Мы будем рады помочь вам найти решение вашей проблемы


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) Yiddish
אין MTM Ingeniería מיר פּלאַן, בויען און פאַרריכטן מאַשינערי פֿאַר די מיינינג, לאַנדווירטשאַפטלעך, פאָראַסטרי, פּאָרט און ריילווייז. אונדזער קלייאַנץ זענען ליגן אין טשילע און אין די פרעמד. אויף אונדזער פּראָדוקט בלאַט איר וועט געפֿינען די פּראָדוקטן און פילע מער. ביטע באריכטן אונדזער פּראָדוקטן און רופן אונדז. מיר וועלן זייַן צופרידן צו העלפן איר געפינען אַ לייזונג צו דיין פּראָבלעם.


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) Italian
In MTM Ingeniería progettiamo, costruiamo e RIPARIAMO macchinari per l'industria mineraria, agricola, forestale, portuale e ferroviaria. I nostri clienti si trovano in Cile e all'estero. Nella nostra pagina di prodotti troverete questi Prodotti e molti altri. Si prega di rivedere i nostri prodotti e chiamarci. Saremo lieti di aiutarvi a trovare una soluzione al vostro problema.


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) German
In MTM Ingeniería entwerfen, konstruieren und reparieren wir Maschinen für Bergbau, Land-und Forstwirtschaft, Hafen und Eisenbahn. Unsere Kunden befinden sich in Chile und im Ausland. Auf unserer Produktseite finden Sie diese und viele weitere Produkte. Bitte überprüfen Sie Unsere Produkte und rufen Sie uns an. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne, eine Lösung für Ihr problem zu Finden.

Spezialfahrzeuge zum Verlegen, befördern und Sammeln von elektrischen Kabeln fur Bergbau Schaufel Electric Schaufel geeignet zum Betrieb mit elektrischen Kabeln, mit oder ohne Strom.
Hydraulische, motorisierte, automatische Anlagen zum Verlegen, befördern und Sammeln von elektrischen Kabeln für große Bergbau Schaufel Electric Schaufel, kompatibel mit Traktoren, Gabelstapler Krane Zubehör,
Spezialhämmer zum Entfernen großer Bolzen in erzmühlen der Art METSO, FLSMIDTH, FAM usw.
Automatische hydraulische Maschinen, die das beschichtungsgehäuse in große erzmühlen einführen, wenn die Reparaturen im Inneren vorgenommen werden,
Automatische Ausrüstung zum Stanzen, entblocken und entfernen von Schlacken aus ofendüsen zum Schmelzen und umwandeln von mineralkonzentraten in Pierce Smith öfen und dergleichen,
Hydraulische Maschinen und große spezialheber zum extrahieren und platzieren der Drehwelle in großen P & H, Bucyrus und anderen ähnlichen bergbauschaufeln,
Eisenbahnwagen für die übertragung aggressiver Flüssigkeiten


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ر MTMIngeniería ما طراحی و تولید و خدمات ماشین آلات برای استخراج از معادن, کشاورزی, جنگلداری و راه آهن. مشتریان ما از چندین کشور هستند. با ما تماس بگیرید. ما خوشحال به پیدا کردن یک راه حل برای مشکل شما خواهد بود.


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) Korean
에 MTM Ingeniería 우리는 설계,건축 및 수리 농업,광업,임업,항구 및 철도 기계장치입니다. 우리의 클라이언트는 많은 국가에서입니다. 우리를 호출합니다. 우리 행복할 것이 솔루션을 찾기 위해 귀하의 문제


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) In MTMIngeniería we design, construct and repair machinery for the mining, agricultural, forestry, port and railways. Our clients are located in Chile and in the foreign. On our product page you will find these products and many more. Please review Our products and call us. We will be happy to help you Find a solution to your problem


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) In MTMIngeniería we design, construct and repair machinery for the mining, agricultural, forestry, port and railways. Our clients are located in Chile and in the foreign. On our product page you will find these products and many more. Please review Our products and call us. We will be happy to help you Find a solution to your problem


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) In MTMIngeniería we design, construct and repair machinery for the mining, agricultural, forestry, port and railways. Our clients are located in Chile and in the foreign. On our product page you will find these products and many more. Please review Our products and call us. We will be happy to help you Find a solution to your problem


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) In MTMIngeniería we design, construct and repair machinery for the mining, agricultural, forestry, port and railways. Our clients are located in Chile and in the foreign. On our product page you will find these products and many more. Please review Our products and call us. We will be happy to help you Find a solution to your problem


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) In MTMIngeniería we design, construct and repair machinery for the mining, agricultural, forestry, port and railways. Our clients are located in Chile and in the foreign. On our product page you will find these products and many more. Please review Our products and call us. We will be happy to help you Find a solution to your problem


ICO_001.jpg (10414 bytes) In MTMIngeniería we design, construct and repair machinery for the mining, agricultural, forestry, port and railways. Our clients are located in Chile and in the foreign. On our product page you will find these products and many more. Please review Our products and call us. We will be happy to help you Find a solution to your problem


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Engineering Support Our company Call Us
Engineering design represents the core of our business. Us Specialize in finite element analysis, the design of machinery, the Modification and construction of equipment for our customers. In this section you will find the manuals and technical specifications of our equipment MTMI Engineering is a leading industry in the design of devices for Facilitate the operations of heavy industry. Our products are present in Various mining operations in Chile and in the foreign If you need additional information, need help, or are interested in buying Machinery or adapt any existing? Please Call us now!

Our Company

MTMIngeniería Is a company dedicated to the design of machinery for mining
Please Call Us
Comandante Whiteside  4903 Of 504
San Miguel - Santiago
Please Call Us today... +562-3270-5583